Download TSR Watermark Image Software Full Keygen

Selamat Sore Sobat.. Kali ini saya akan membagikan software yang khusus membuat Watermark yaitu TSR Watermark Image Software. Apa yang dimaksud watermark..?? silahkan Searching di google.. :D. Pada software tersebut sudah saya masukan keygen agar softwarenya menjadi Full Version, dengan size software yang kecil ini sobat bisa langsung mendownloadnya dengan cepat tak pakai lama.. :D

If you want to watermark your photos, you can use either text or another picture as the source of the watermark. If you want to add the watermark to the background, you can set the logo or the text to be more or less transparent, and place it wherever you want the watermark to be on the image. TSR Watermark is available in multiple languages, currently translated languages is Turkish, Swedish, Armenian, English, German, Italian, Vietnamese, Japanese, Hungarian, Czech, Spanish, Finnish, French, Hebrew, Romanian, Serbian, Dutch, Portuguese (Brazil & Portugal), Chinese (Simplified & Traditional), Indonesian, Russian, Polish and Danish - please contact me if you can help translate the product to your language!

 Multilanguage support, Turkish, Swedish, Armenian, English, German, Italian, Vietnamese, Japanese, Hungarian, Czech, Romanian, Serbian, Spanish, Finnish, French, Hebrew, Dutch, Portuguese (Brazilian & Portugal), Chinese (Simplified & Traditional), Indonesian, Russian, Polish and Danish is supported. Add multiple watermarks to each image. Save each images at multiple output folders, this way you can easyli generate thumbnails etc. in one run.
 Add text watermark that is either normal, embossed, chiseled or watermarked with a border.
 Automatically rotate the watermarked picture based on the orientation EXIF tag - this is written to the image by many modern cameras.
 Add the text used to watermark the image to the EXIF information in the resulting file.
 Keep or drop EXIF information in jpeg files (Camera model/lense model/etc. etc.)
 Output the watermarked photo to JPEG, TIFF, PNG, BMP, GIF file format.
 Specify the quality of the watermarking output when saving as jpeg images
 Angle the text you use for your photo watermarking
 Insert background watermark in digital images, pictures, photos
 Resize images while watermarking the image/photo
 Watermark your photos using either another image, photo or picture
 Watermark your photos using your own text in the color and style you want to.
 Maintain directory structure in destination directory or combine all batch watermarked images into one directory
 Skip or overwrite existing watermarked images/photos in destination directory
 line option to automatically load a profile and batch watermark all photos.
 Automatically check for new version of the TSR Watermark Image Software

 You can even use this program instead of photoshop to watermark your images, this is a quicker and more easy way of getting a watermark on all your images. Also use the watermarked image in Word, Excel or images used in pdf files can be made with this watermarking software.

Link Download
Download: =>[Here]
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Download TSR Watermark Image Software Full Keygen Di Blog My Software Sekarang juga..!!!
Jangan lupa untuk mengklik G+1, Agar Makin Sering dan Semangat Ngepostnya.. ^^

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