DriverEasy Professional 4.6.3 Full Version

Selamat Malam Sobat... Kali ini saya akan membagikan Software yg membantu sobat untuk mengetahui Driver, Hardware, Type Komputer Sobat dll, Yaitu DriverEasy. ada yang tau DriverEasy? Driver Easy adalah suatu Software praktis yang membantu Sobat memecahkan masalah driver dengan mudah. Software ini dapat otomatis mendeteksi dan mendownload driver perangkat keras yang cocok untuk komputer Sobat dengan hanya beberapa klik. Dengan user interface yang ramah, Driver Easy cukup mudah digunakan bahwa Sobat benar-benar dapat men-download semua driver perangkat terbaru dalam 3 klik.

Features Of DriverEasy :
  1. Your One-Stop Driver Solution - Driver Easy is design for quickly and easy to identify unknown device's drivers, and keep your driver in latest version. Much more, we have implement driver backup, driver restore, and driver uninstall feature, to ensure your driver secure and safe.
  2. Smart "Auto-Installation" - This smart feature is our Industry first technology! It enable user to install the driver automatically ,even help you extract, analyze & install it. What you need to do is to click your mouse once or twice.
  3. Detect Unknown Device Driver - Driver Easy has a huge online database, which include over 100,000,000 hardware device's driver, with it revolutionary driver detect engine, it help you download the unknown device driver, help you fix the driver issue.
  4. Keep Existing Driver Up-to-Date - With our daily update driver database, your system will improve the performance, fix the blue screen problem, add more enhance feature by install the latest drivers.
  5. Backup & Restore Drivers - Do not worry about it if you lost the driver disc, Driver Easy can backup the driver your current installed, you can restore it after system reload. This is an benefit feature if you not sure are the new driver compatible your system or not, you can backup existing driver, and roll-back it later.
  6. Uninstall Removed Hardware Driver - When you replace the graphic card, do you know Windows still keep your old one driver, and will launch it each time, when Windows start up. This will case the system slowing boot up, and may case some system conflict. Driver Easy allow you uninstall the removed hardware, to clean up your system.
Link Download
Download: =>[Here]
Petch: =>[Here]
Password: [If You Need]

How To Install :
  1. Extract DriverEasy.rar yang telah sobat download tadi.
  2. Jalankan Setup.exe, lalu install seperti biasa.
  3. Setelah Proses Installasi selesai, Extract Patch.rar, lalu copy Keygen ke folder installasi dari DriverEasy.
    Example : C:\Program Files\Easeware\DriverEasy
  4. Jalankan dengan cara klik kanan, pilih Run As Administrator.
  5. Klik Patch.
  6. lalu buka DriverEasy, Masukkan nama dan Serial.
  7. Done ANd Enjoy.
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