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Change Log :
- Sound Engine: Options Dialog - list of supported formats is populated now on demand, not at Options Dialog initialization
- Sound Engine: Radio capture - maximum delay before start record new track has been increased to 30 seconds.
- Sound Engine: Radio Capture - CUE sheet is now stored on the hard drive after each track
- Sound Engine: Compatibility with Remote Desktop Assistant has been improved (for WASAPI interface)
- Playlist: an empty playlists with non-empty preimage setting will not be deleted now on closing the application
- Playlist: Advanced search is now show last search query
- Tag Editor: Support for non-english URLs - the URL will be automatically converted to punycode and vice versa.
- Fixed: Common - tray icon flashes during program startup
- Fixed: Common - player is minimized to tray instead of taskbar in some cases
- Fixed: Sound Engine - output settings are resets at some devices when opening the Options Dialog
- Fixed: Playlist - the remove file confirmation dialog does not restore focus after closing
- Fixed: Tag Editor - album art from ID3v2.4 tag cannot be read in some cases
- Fixed: Tag Editor - file in FLAC format cannot be read by player, if embedded CUE has been remove via AIMP Tag Editor
- Fixed: Plugins - The Information Line flashes on display, if it has been hidden by mouse before that
- Fixed: small bugs
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