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How To Install ?
- Extract WinRAR yang sudah sobat Download tadi.
- Jalankan Winrar.exe, lalu install seperti biasa.
- Jika sudah, Extract Keygen yang sudah saya sediakan.
- Lalu Copy Ke Directori Installasi WinRAR.
Ex: C:\Program Files\WinRAR\ - Jalankan Keygennya, lalu Jalankan Menggunakan Run As Administrator.
- Klik Generate.
- Done.
What's New in Version 5.10 Final ?
- Added extraction support for ZIP and ZIPX archives using BZIP2, LZMA and PPMd compression.
- Added extraction support for 7z split archives (.7z.001, .7z.002, ...).
- Added support for AES-NI CPU instructions allowing to improve RAR encryption and decryption performance.
- Default theme images are scaled up with better quality in high DPI display mode.
- Environment variables, such as %temp%, can be used in "Files to add" field of archiving dialog.
- Switch -ai can be used when creating RAR archive, so predefined values, typical for file and folder, are stored instead of actual attributes. Previously this switch could be used only when extracting.
Semoga Bermanfaat. :)
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